lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Experiencia gastronómica multicolor

El restaurante Gayedra de Granada ofrece una experiencia gastronómica multicolor con un suculento y variado menú mojado con vinos de La Rioja a precios algo elevados pero de matizados sabores y oscuros colores. Se aconseja el vino de la casa. Decoración pintoresca pero demasiado iluminada, se agradecerían unos cuantos vatios menos y una luz más cálida, exceso de fluorescencia. Espacio reducido que en las noches de más bullicio (de jueves a sábado- consultar espectáculo en su web) se torna en agobiante. Servicio agradable y comedido, cuando hay que serlo, y tenaz también, cuando hay que serlo.
The FF

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Vino de la semana

Terruño, Rioja, Crianza, 1998.
Suave en paladar y redondo en boca. Profundo en sabores frutales y avainillados.
Agradable con carne, excelente con queso de oveja y jamón de Trevélez.


viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Japan is hot on F1

Let's hope LH crash again after a third sip of Rioja.
May the blood that grows out of the Spanish land destroy his expectations for F1 championship... and turn him as miserable as can be.

Good night!
The FF

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

About the Wine

Al pasar borracho por una viña,
me enganché la ropa.
"Me vas a hacer daño" le dije.
"¿Por qué pasaste sin saludar
aunque tus huesos
derramen mi sangre?"

I will try out a translation:

When walking drunk by a vineyard,
my clothes got hooked.
"You are going to hurt me", I said.
"Why did you straight pass without saying hello
even when your bones
shed my blood?"

Al-Mutamid de Sevilla
Translation into Spanish by El Profesor

Autumn Wines

The mushrooms' season is here. I would recommend any young Ribera del Duero.

The FF

Un Rioja Fresquito

The Origin

Starting with this uncommon expression for a non-Spaniard as also the title of this brand-new blog, I would like to pay an admiring tribute to a friend that is no longer with us. He would not have probably been aware of me using this phrase, not even of creating a blog -and even that I had a lot of reasons to create one before-, but he would definitely believed it if he had had the chance to know how much I really liked to hear it when he pronounced it with his fractured voice.

He was my best professor ever at University, and with the passing of time -not much I must say, due to his great attitude to friendship-, he became one of my best friends too. On his own words on the dedication he wrote me on one of his books, "a fabulous friend" (un amigo fetén).

Why am I writing this blog in English, although my mother language is Spanish? I must adduce selfishness into expression in English (comments and corrections are welcome), shyness, and tribute to my friend. I'll do my best "Profesor" (like my daughter liked to call you). Not to be surprised if Spanish entries are posted, I am sure some days English will not flow properly.

This blog will not deal with anything in special, ..., but will try to give and accept opinions about wine, news, friendship/family, freedom (to decide, to achieve, to choose, and also as the lack of borders). Thus, one day you might see a picture of flying artefacts, other you might find a piece of text on PAS (Parental Alieniation Syndrome), and a write-up on the news, reviews of music... basically anything.

So, now, this is to the "Salmorejo" (I used to cook for you when liquid was the only food you could eat), to the Andalusian poetry and the cool nights at La Vega, to life, and basically, to you, my dearest friend and my "Profesor".

The FF

Un Rioja Fresquito